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#Trade Shows & Events

International Infection Prevention Week

At #KHB & #Tianlong, we offer comprehensive diagnostic solutions for various infectious diseases

International Infection Prevention Week (#IIPW) is an event celebrated on the 3rd week of every year in October, aiming to improve awareness of the significance of #infection prevention.

This year 2024, #InternationalInfectionPreventionWeek is celebrated from 13th to 19th. On this week, Infection preventionists (IPs) from different countries and fields will join together to educate healthcare workers and patients about infection #prevention practices.

Importance of International Infection Prevention Week

Infectious diseases can lead to #global pandemics when they spread rapidly. Infections in homes, workplaces or hospitals can affect people's #health and make it harder for healthcare workers to do their jobs. It’s time to...

Promotes Awareness and Education

Prevents Healthcare-Associated Infections (#HAIs)

Supports Global Health Security

Encourages Innovation and Best Practices

As we work together to fight infectious diseases, innovation in diagnostics plays a key role in early detection and prevention.

At #KHB & #Tianlong, we offer comprehensive diagnostic solutions for various infectious diseases using advanced methodologies such as #ELISA, #CLIA, #PCR and #POCT. Our cutting-edge detection covers a wide range of infectious diseases, including viral #hepatitis (HAV, HBV, HCV), sexually transmitted infections (#HIV, #syphilis, CT, NG), respiratory infections (influenza), gastrointestinal infections, tropical zoonotic diseases (Dengue, Zika), and herpes viruses (Mpox, VZV), among others.

We ensure fast, reliable, and accurate results to support better disease management and #publichealth. Let us help you safeguard your health with our advanced detection technology!

Learn more:

#Biotech #IVD #Diagnostics #ClinicalChemistry #Biochemistry #lmmunoassay #ColloidalGold #POCT #ELISA #Reagent #TestKit #Diagnostics


  • Shanghai, China
  • Shanghai Kehua Bio-engineering Co., Ltd.