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Why do I use hyperbaric oxygen chamber?
Why do I use hyperbaric oxygen chamber?
Oxygen played such a common role in our daily life that we seldom pay attention to the absorption of oxygen. The disability of absorbing oxygen is becoming a problem that people can’t ignore.
According to research findings, it has been demonstrated that as age increases, the capacity of individuals to absorb oxygen gradually declines. In males, this decline occurs at a rate of 2% per year, while in females, it decreases by 2.5% annually. The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine revealed that cells possess the ability to sensitively perceive the oxygen levels in their environment. Hypoxia induces cells to switch to entirely different metabolic pathways compared to an oxygen-rich state. Prolonged oxygen deficiency can accelerate the aging process in the body and increase the risk of diseases.
Oxygen concentrator or Hyperbaric oxygen chamber
Some parts of the body have narrow capillaries where blood cells are unable to pass through, and the delivery of bound oxygen is hindered. In such cases, reliance is placed on the dissolution of oxygen.
1. Air pressure
The oxygen concentrator has limited impact on the dissolved oxygen in the blood, which is one of the reasons for the relatively modest effectiveness of ordinary oxygen intake in high-altitude areas. Increasing pressure to enhance the dissolved oxygen in the blood is a more feasible approach.
The pressure allows the oxygen to infuse into the blood plasma, or liquid, which makes up over 50% of blood volume. Plasma reaches areas that your red blood cells may not. Your RBCs are already 90-99% saturated with O2 at sea level pressure--the air we normally breathe. Red blood cells are large and tend to clump together, so any narrowing of the blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) will restrict their movement, and therefore oxygen transportation. Plasma can reach deep into tissues and supply cells that may not be accessible by the existing network of capillaries and vessels in your body. This process can only happen in a hyperbaric environment. In addition, after a series of HBOT treatments your body begins to grow new blood vessels and capillaries, making O2 delivery more effective after you complete a series.
2.Dissolved oxygen
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers can flexibly adjust the concentration or pressure of the supplied oxygen, maintaining the oxygen partial pressure within a safe and effective range. By increasing the dissolved oxygen, it gently and effectively enhances the oxygen delivery to the body's tissues and organs.
What is a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
During a hyperbaric oxygen treatment, the patient lies in a hyperbaric chamber for between 60-90 minutes, during which the atmospheric pressure is slowly increased. During the treatments, you breathe 100% pure oxygen. Under normal conditions, hemoglobin carries oxygen to all the body’s cells. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy saturates the serum in the blood vessels that carry hemoglobin, enabling them to deliver 10-15 times more oxygen. This saturates the body’s tissues – reversing hypoxia (low oxygen levels) – and creates cell healing.
Benefit of HBOT
1. Anti-aging
In 2020, a clinical trial published in "Aging" recruited 35 individuals aged 64 and above. The participants underwent hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) once a day, five times a week, for a total of 60 sessions. Remarkably, after just three months of continuous HBOT, this group of elderly individuals showed a significant halt or even reversal of the cellular aging process.
2. Wound Healing
In the case of both chronic and acute wounds, HBOT raises the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood and tissues of our body, lowers the risk of infection, activates wound healing factors, and increases circulation of stem cells, all of which help the body heal and close a wound.
3. Vasoconstriction
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, particularly at a high pressure, can lead to vasoconstriction (the narrowing of blood vessels) without depriving the injured tissues of oxygen. Due to an increase in blood oxygen saturation from HBOT, vasoconstriction can help reduce swelling and edema in injured areas of the body.