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#Product Trends

Clinical Effectiveness of the Backrack Spinal Care Device

Backrack is a class I patented medical device that provides safe treatment for back pain

Back pains plague most of the world’s population. It causes discomfort, deformities and many other problems. Many therapies exist that help manage back pain but sometimes they fall short.

This is where Backrack comes in - a device that helps you treat and prevent back pain like never before.

Over 40 year of clinical experience and effort has been put to the design and function of this device by Bogdan Luklinski spine specialists from Harley Street, the hub of medicine and specialists, give patients the maximum pain relief possible.

Backrack is a super-easy tool that can be used by medical professionals to treat spinal disorders of their patients more effectively. This is also a solution for patients who are looking for non-evasive methods of treating back pain. It can be conveniently used at home without any professional help. Like its counter products, the Backrack does not require much space to be placed in and neither is it too complex to use. It’s a CE marked, safe device with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Design and Structure

The design of the rack is specifically engineered to mirror the natural curvature of the spine to the finest degree. Actually, the patented “S” shape of the rack allows it to achieve what it is designed to do. It works on the whole spine as each pair of wooden nodules is well placed to cover each vertebrae of the spinal column. The Backrack is made of ethically sources, high quality wood and the frame is designed to be sturdy on the floor.

Treatment & Efficacy

The Backrack treats back pain by reversing the damage that has been done to the spine. By time the spine tends to be squashed which is summarized in a term called spinal compression. The Backrack reverses the painful impacts of spinal compression in a process called spinal decompression. This is done by the careful placements of wooden nodules to support every single vertebrae of the spine. As the patient starts performing Backrack exercises, these nodules start putting pressure gently on each vertebrae so the spine by time returns to its natural shape, the way it is meant to be.

Just like the human spine, the Backrack also has three main regions. Those being Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical regions and each region is a mirror of its real counterpart. Based on its clinical test results and efficacy, many Chiros, Physios, and Sports Coaches worldwide are now using Backrack to treat and prevent spinal deformities like:


Herniated or Bulging Disc


Nerve Root Impingement

Spinal Stenosis

Ageing Spine

Prolapsed Discs

Hip Pain

Leg Pain

Muscle Strain or Sprain


And more!

Ease of Use?

The Backrack is a very easy-to-use product and patients don’t even need any supervision while using it. Due to its flexibility in use, Backrack can solely be used to treat a spinal condition or it can be used in a combination of other treatments to help relieve back pain. The rack is so fine-tuned that a person laying on it will automatically fit in the right position without fumbling about.

If you want to learn more about how to get on the Backrack, please check out our website!


  • Milford House, 7 Queen Anne St, London W1G 9HN, UK
  • Spinal Backrack