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The advantages of a local anaesthetic for Thread Lifting

More often than not, and in 90% of cases, lifting threads are fitted in the surgery, under local anaesthetic.

Spring Thread procedure and local anaesthetic.

This has a number of advantages, just to mention a few:

Minimises general risks: Local anaesthesia limits the impact on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, reducing the risks associated with general anaesthesia. This is particularly beneficial for patients with pre-existing health problems or contraindications to general anaesthesia.

Reduced side effects: Unlike general anaesthesia, which can cause nausea, vomiting and an unpleasant sensation after the operation, local anaesthesia tends to cause fewer undesirable side effects.

Shorter recovery time: Recovery is faster, which means that patients can return to normal function more quickly and be allowed to go home straight after suturing.

Enables communication: During the procedure under local anaesthetic, the patient remains conscious and can communicate with his doctor. This facilitates collaboration and allows the doctor to give instructions to the patient, to adjust the procedure according to the patient’s feedback, or to obtain the patient’s opinion on certain aspects of the operation.

Less invasive: Local anaesthetic allows the area to be treated to be specifically targeted, without affecting the rest of the body. This is particularly advantageous in the case of a localised procedure such as threading, as it reduces the overall trauma to the body and can lead to faster healing.

Reduces costs: Local anaesthesia is less expensive than general anaesthesia because it requires fewer resources. This makes it possible to offer this procedure at controlled rates.

However, it is important to note that every procedure and every patient is unique, and the choice of anaesthetic depends on many factors, including the nature of the procedure, the patient’s preference and the doctor’s recommendations.


  • 96 Rue du Pont Rompu, 59200 Tourcoing, France
  • Spring Thread