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#Product Trends

BEST-LISAS DUAL® by Sterylab, the new bone-marrow set

The advanced design of BEST-LISAS DUAL® will guarantee the following advantages:

* Variable ergonomic grip handle

BEST-LISAS DUAL® has a variable grip handle, suited to a large (man’s) hand or a small (woman’s) hand. The grip handle is also fi tted with Luer Lock.

* Ease of use and guaranteed specimen collection

The unique NOLOSE® core retention system assures success for a majority of cases.

For soft bones or critical pathologies the use of BEST-LISAS DUAL® needle combined with the accessory SAFE-LOCK ® will always guarantee success in the specimen acquisition.


* A considerable reduction in pain

Without any Jamshidi-type point (conical tapered), BEST.LISAS DUAL is considerably less traumatic.

* A more compact and abundant specimen

The TREPAN® crown edge with its advanced geometry will guarantee an intact and larger specimen core even in the softest bone with less pain to the patient and ease of use for the physician.

* Colour coded for easier needle size (gauge) determination.

* Sterile, single use: reduction of infection hazard.
