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#Product Trends

MCF Craniomaxillofacial Fixation System

Kangli New Series Introduction

Recently Kangli released the MCF series plate and screw system. It's a complete systematic solution for maxillofacial surgery.

The sys­tem consists of a variety of plates and meshes that come in multiple shapes and sizes to meet the anatomical needs of the patient.

It will be applied to the following cases: trauma of the midface and craniofacial skeleton; craniofacial surgery; reconstructive procedures; orthognathic surgery of the maxilla and chin.

MCF Craniomaxillofacial Fixation System


  • Nan Yuan Dong Lu, Zhang Jia Gang Shi, Su Zhou Shi, Jiang Su Sheng, China
  • Suzhou Kangli Orthopaedics Instrument