#Industry News
Easier and safer PET dispensing for the Nuclear Medicine Team of “San Gerardo” in Monza
Thanks to KARL100 and 2 Rad-Inject infusers, also the Nuclear Medicine unit of “San Gerardo” is converting to a fully automatic dispensing and infusing procedures of radiopharmaceuticals during its PET diagnostic process.
We are in Brianza, a few kilometers away from the recent installation in Valtellina, together with the team of the Nuclear Medicine unit of “San Gerardo” in Monza. We are here to install a mobile system for radiopharmaceutical automatic dispensing process, KARL100, and 2 Rad-Inject automatic injectors.
This team carries out both therapeutical activities (like radio-embolization or radio-metabolic treatments) and conventional diagnostic activities. The Nuclear Medicine unit of “San Gerardo” also works with PET and, regarding this, they treat 35 patients a day on average. To do so, the N.M. team uses different kinds of radiopharmaceuticals and offers some particularly qualifying services like integrated PET/TC and breathing gating techniques.
The acquisition of KARL100 by the “San Gerardo” enters in an upgrading project of the PET diagnostic procedures of this hospital. The aim is to increase the radio-protection levels and to facilitate the working schedule, which mainly concerns the preparation and infusing procedure in patients treated with FDG and Gallium-68. These two procedures were handled manually until the KARL100 and Rad-Inject arrival, but from now on they will be completely automated, in order to drastically reduce the need of intervention by the operator.
One of the revolutionary characteristics of KARL100 is the possibility to automatically open and manage different types of leadpot. Indeed, a new production line will be activated soon, and that will include a new leadpot employment in addiction to the one currently used.