#Industry News
What do you need to notice after heart stenting?
Coronary Artery Model
In general, after installing a heart stent, the patient needs to cooperate with the doctor for certain drug treatment and many standardized operations, otherwise, once the stent stenosis occurs again, it will be more troublesome.
According to the summary of clinical experience, it is generally recommended to pay attention to the following aspects after heart stent surgery:
1.Keep taking medicine regularly
After heart stent surgery, patients should adhere to the use of medication, always pay attention to self-observation. To know that the heart, as one of the important organs of the human body, undertakes a lot of important functions, it is generally recommended that patients do heart stent, under the guidance of the doctor to take a certain number and types of drugs.
2.Maintain regular follow-up
After stent surgery, patients should be checked regularly. It includes the examination of blood pressure, blood glucose, blood lipids, liver and kidney function, etc. Especially for patients with hypertension, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and other related diseases, more attention should be paid to the treatment of the primary disease and regular examination. If the indicators are higher than the normal range, enough attention should be paid and doctors should actively cooperate in the treatment.
3. Keep a good attitude
Maintain a stable and optimistic state of mind, moderate exercise, which is also an important principle after heart stent surgery. However, for patients with coronary heart disease, more attention should be paid to remember to correctly and reasonably arrange the amount of activity, we recommend the amount of exercise, must be adjusted within the scope of their own ability, do not blindly exercise, but damage their own health. At the same time, it is recommended that patients develop the psychological behavior habits of not anxious not impetuous, moderate work and rest.
4. Control risk factors
After the heart stent operation, the symptoms of chest pain and chest compression will disappear. It is important to know that the operation only solves the problem of a small section of blood vessel blockage. If the risk factors of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and other diseases still exist, the inner wall of blood vessels will still be damaged to some extent. Therefore, patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other diseases generally still need to take antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering drugs, hypoglycemic drugs and other related drugs under the guidance of doctors.
5. Improve life style
After heart stent surgery, patients should adhere to a low-salt and low-fat diet in daily life, and eat more fibre-rich foods, such as various vegetables, fruits, brown rice, whole grains and beans, which can help defecate, prevent constipation, stabilize blood sugar and reduce blood cholesterol.
For more information, you can click: https://www.trando-med.com/