#Product Trends
Automated UV-C disinfection is the future of every hospital
Reduce hospital-associated infections (HAIs) with the award-winning SteriPro robot that uses UV-C technology that is proven to inactivate all sorts of microorganisms with a reduction of up to 99.9999%.
It’s time to reimagine cleaning protocols and safety standards. With the help of the SteriPro robot hospitals and other facilities can greatly improve existing cleaning protocols with an effective extra layer of disinfection that is 99,9999% effective. SteriPro robot is an industry-leading piece of technology able to fully utilize the potential of contactless UVC decontamination technology. The UV-C technology used in SteriPro destroys all human known microorganisms. For example, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19) only needs 6 seconds of exposure time to be deactivated. Steri pro can provide whole-room treatments that disinfect all surfaces, even those in distant proximity and shadowed areas. It also disinfects the backsides of objects (where low-power and battery-operated units can’t come.
One of the most important aspects of utilizing UV-C technology is the safety and efficiency aspect in which the SteriPro robot shines. The device can be used very frequently without a significant increase in the workload - up to 50 times per day or more. With the setup time of only 2 min and it’s sturdy, yet portable design, the SteriPro robot can be used in operating theatres, hospital rooms, hallways, ambulances, etc. Since the device is automated and easy to use, there won’t t be additional stress for your personnel. Our lifetime warranty program is our commitment to the safety of your decision.
The device provides immaculate safety with its motion sensors. When its sensors detect movement in the room, the device automatically stops with the disinfection process and shuts down instantly. An average disinfection cycle with SteriPro is 10–20 minutes and it does not require supervision during disinfection. With the SteriPro UV-C disinfection robot, we can significantly contribute to the protection of healthcare professionals since the new coronavirus is particularly sensitive to UV-C rays.
HAIs annually impact around 3,2 million people in Europe and cost €5,5 to €7 billion per year, considering direct costs only. A clinical study, conducted on 36.000 patients, concluded that UV-C disinfection dramatically reduces HAIs by more than 30%, therefore, saving many lives and greatly reducing costs. Especially during the current pandemic, it’s crucial to also protect hospital staff. According to information from the Slovak Cardiology Hospital, after introducing SteriPro into their cleaning routine, no infections were detected among employees.