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VirtaMed GynoS™ hysteroscopy simulator supports the SCGP Master Classes

"In terms of hysteroscopy training, I am convinced that the VirtaMed GynoS™ simulator is the most relevant solution available on the market."

" In terms of hysteroscopy training, I am convinced that the VirtaMed GynoS™ simulator is the most relevant solution available on the market. It is the presence of VirtaMed that allows us to have a hysteroscopy workshop that is really efficient. "

- Dr. Vincent Villefranque, member of the Scientific Committee of the SCGP

Since 2014, the French Society of Gynecological and Pelvic Surgery (SCGP) has organized Junior Master Classes to " encourage the training and sharing of knowledge between generations of surgeons across the different topics of gynecological and pelvic surgery. " This year's first Master Class was held in early July, at the Paris School of Surgery, and brought together residents from all over France and the French-speaking world. VirtaMed supported the Master Class with a fleet of GynoS™ hysteroscopy simulators, and representatives Lucie Klikova and Dr. Magid Haddouchi.

Dr. Vincent Villefranque, a member of the Scientific Committee of the SCGP, noted that the Master Classes represent a unique opportunity to reach a large number of residents at once. The collaboration between the SCGP and VirtaMed has facilitated the delivery of a structured and proficiency-based hysteroscopy training, and while the SCGP currently organizes two formal events a year, according to Dr. Villefranque, it would ideally like to hold three or four.

Due, in part, to the variety of cases included in the simulator, Master Class participants strengthened their hysteroscopy skills and are now better prepared for the next steps in their training.

" I feel more confident thanks to my experience with the GynoS™ hysteroscopy simulator and think that I will be much more at ease in the operating room. "

- Léa Descourvieres, resident at the Lille University Hospital

Léa found the simulator so useful that, if it were possible, she would like to have one at home so she could train regularly. For this future surgeon, the main advantage of the simulator was its realism and the possibility to learn instrument handling in a safe environment.

The simulator's realism, and its closeness to clinical setting was praised by all residents.

" I am excited that VirtaMed uses original instruments. "

- Camille Picard, resident at the Tours University Hospital

The ability to treat different pathologies reinforced Camille's confidence in the GynoS™ hysteroscopy simulator. In her opinion, it is a truly comprehensive training solution.

VirtaMed is proud to be the preferred partner of the SCGP, and continues to act as a reference for the introduction of simulation in different surgical specialties, both as a training tool and as an intrinsic part of the medical curriculum.


  • Rütistrasse 12, 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland
  • VirtaMed