#Product Trends
Xevo TQ-S micro: High Performance from a Compact Design with Rapid, Reliable and Reproducible Quantitative Data
Robust performance begins in the source with ZSprayTM geometry, efficiently removing neutral molecules while drawing ions through the sample cone into the analyzer. The StepWaveTM ion guide in the Xevo® TQ-S micro is designed to cope with the challenges in the modern laboratory that are produced by high sample throughput and difficult matrices.
Neutrals and gas load are passively removed for enhanced transmission with the ions actively transferred into the mass analyzer, improving sensitivity and robustness. All this is achieved while maintaining an extremely small footprint due to the class-leading compact design of the Xevo TQ-S micro.
Confidently quantify more analytes in a single injection
Xccelerated Ion Transfer (XITTM) electronics, using SpaceWire technology allow this instrument to acquire data at high speeds without compromising performance. The next generation T-WaveTM collision cell permits acquisition of 500 MRM channels/s whilst minimizing cross-talk and maintaining intensity. The increased MS full scan speed capability of up to 20,000 Da/s reduces the impact on the duty cycle when rapidly switching between MS full scan and MS/MS acquisition (RADAR and PICs).
In addition, fast polarity switching gives coverage of positive and negative ionizing compounds in a single injection. Maintaining performance at these speeds is critical as every lab requires high quality data that is reproducible to enable reliable quantitation. Method transfer is now even easier with the advanced XDR detector which provides unique Xtended Dynamic Range improving usability with low limits of detection.