#Trade Shows & Events
Upcoming ISLA-conference on Medical Laser Therapy
In-person and online attendance possible
We are very happy to finally see the pandemic situation improving in most European countries, even though the situation is still severe in other parts of the world. It allows us to finally plan our 20th ISLA- conference. It will be held on the 10th and 11th of September, like many times before in the town hall of the cozy town Beverungen, only 2km from the WeberMedical headquarter. We will have many of the leading LLLT-physicians lecture about their many years of experience as well as about the latest developments in the field. We are also offering practical workshops in which the attendees can get hands-on-experience and discuss protocols.
All lectures will be held in German, but simultaneously translated to English.
We will also offer online tickets for everyone who can´t attend in person. The live-stream will be available in English.
The detailed program and registration form for both the physical event and the online event can be found here: