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#Product Trends

CE marked- Human MTHFR Gene 677 Polymorphism Detection Kit

Tianlong Human MTHFR Gene 677 Polymorphism Detection Kit

People with abnormal MTHFR gene have low enzyme activity and folic acid metabolism disorders. And they need more folic acid supplements to achieve the desired effect.

This product is for in vitro qualitative detection of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene 677 genotype in DNA extracted from human peripheral blood. The test results of this kit can provide an auxiliary diagnosis for high-risk groups with low activity of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.

Reliable Detection: Reliable detection of MTHFR gene 677 genotype, the most common polymorphism of the MTHFR gene

High Sensitivity: Sensitive to detect up to 2ng/μL human genomic DNA

More Accessible: CE marked, accessible for more countries


  • Shang Lin Lu, Wei Yang Qu, Xi An Shi, Shan Xi Sheng, China
  • Xian Tianlong Science and Technology Co.,Ltd
