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How can women keep their bones healthy? 4 important tips to get easy!

4 Important tips for maintaining bone health

For women, maintaining healthy bones is a lifetime priority. As they get older, many women will face bone problems such as osteoporosis, which brings a lot of inconvenience and pain to life. So what can women do to keep their bones healthy? Today, I will give you four important tips to make it easy for you to have strong bones.

First, a balanced diet is the foundation

"The people depend on food", this sentence is familiar to everyone. Diet plays a crucial role in our physical health, as well as bone health.

1. Eat calcium-rich foods

Calcium is a major component of bones, and adequate calcium intake is essential for maintaining bone health. Dairy products are good sources of calcium, such as milk and yogurt. Every 100 milliliters of milk contains about 100 mg of calcium, drink a cup of milk every day, you can add a lot of calcium for the body. Soy products are also a good choice, such as tofu, soy milk, etc. In addition, some green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, etc., are also rich in calcium. According to the study, broccoli contains about 67 mg of calcium per 100 grams, and spinach contains about 73 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

2. Foods rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D can promote the absorption and utilization of calcium, so the intake of vitamin D can not be ignored while supplementing calcium. Cod liver oil, egg yolks, sea fish and other foods are rich in vitamin D. For example, 100 grams of cod liver oil can contain tens of thousands of international units of vitamin D. Sun exposure is also an important way to get vitamin D, and 15 to 30 minutes a day in the sun allows the body to synthesize enough vitamin D.

3. Eat protein in moderation

Protein is an important part of the body and has an impact on bone health. Lean meat, fish, eggs, etc. are all sources of high-quality protein. But pay attention to moderate intake, too much protein intake may increase the burden on the kidneys, but also may affect the absorption of calcium.

There are also records on diet and bone health in traditional Chinese medicine books. "Huangdi's Inner Classic" mentioned: "Five grains to nourish, five fruits to help, five animals to benefit, five vegetables to fill." This statement emphasizes the importance of variety in diet for good health. In the process of maintaining bone health, we should also follow this principle, eat a balanced diet, not partial, not picky.

Two, moderate exercise is indispensable

"Life lies in movement", this sentence is no stranger to everyone. Moderate exercise is important for maintaining healthy bones.

1. Weight-bearing exercise

Weight-bearing exercises can stimulate bone growth and strengthen bones. Such as fast walking, running, skipping rope and so on. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, can be controlled at about 100 steps per minute, can effectively improve bone density. Running is also a good way to exercise, running three times a week for about 30 minutes each time, can strengthen the strength of the bones. Jumping rope can increase the heart rate in a short period of time, while also strengthening the bones. You can jump 100 to 200 times per jump rope, and do several sets each day.

2. Strength training

Strength training increases muscle mass, which improves bone stability. Such as lifting weights, push-ups, sit-ups, etc. Women can choose some lighter dumbbells for strength training and do 20 to 30 minutes two to three times a week. Push-ups and sit-ups work the muscles of the upper limbs and abdomen, while also providing some protection for the bones.

3. Yoga and Tai Chi

Yoga and tai Chi are gentle forms of exercise suitable for women of all ages. Yoga can enhance the flexibility and balance of the body through the practice of various asanas, and also play a certain role in protecting the bones. Tai Chi focuses on the coordination of the body and mind. Through slow movements and deep breathing, it can regulate the movement of qi and blood in the body. It also has certain benefits for bone health.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the importance of exercise for physical health is also emphasized. "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" said: "The running water is not rotten, the door-hinge is not worm-eaten, moving also. The same is true of form and qi. If the form does not move, the essence does not flow, and if the essence does not flow, the qi is depressed." This saying tells us that only by taking regular exercise can we keep our body healthy. In the process of maintaining bone health, we should also choose a suitable way of exercise and adhere to moderate exercise.

3. Good living habits are key

1. Stop smoking and limit alcohol

Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have adverse effects on bone health. Smoking affects the body's absorption of calcium and also affects bone metabolism. Women who smoke for a long time have a significantly increased risk of osteoporosis. Excessive alcohol consumption will affect the liver's metabolism of vitamin D, which will affect the absorption and utilization of calcium. Therefore, women should try to quit smoking and limit alcohol, and maintain good living habits.

2. Avoid excessive consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks

Coffee and carbonated beverages contain ingredients such as caffeine and phosphoric acid, and excessive consumption can affect calcium absorption. Women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have an increased risk of osteoporosis, research suggests. The phosphoric acid in carbonated beverages will combine with calcium to form insoluble calcium phosphate, which affects the absorption of calcium. Therefore, women should try to avoid excessive consumption of coffee and carbonated beverages.

3. Get good sleep

Sleep plays an important role in the body's recovery and repair. Good sleep can promote the body's metabolism, but also can play a protective role in bone health. Women should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day and try to avoid staying up late. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, sleep is considered an important way to "nourish Yin", and "Yin" plays an important role in the nourishment of bones. Therefore, getting a good night's sleep is essential for a woman's bone health.

Fourth, regular physical examination early prevention

1. Bone density examination

Bone density examination is a simple and effective way to detect bone health. After the age of 35, women should have regular bone density tests to detect bone problems such as osteoporosis in time. Bone mineral density can be checked by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), which has high accuracy and low radiation dose and is currently the most commonly used bone mineral density test method.

2. Other checks

In addition to bone density tests, women should also have other tests regularly, such as blood routine, liver and kidney function. These tests can help doctors understand the overall health of the body and identify potential health problems in a timely manner.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the concept of "treating no disease" is also emphasized. "Huangdi's Inner Classic" said: "the work to cure the disease, not to cure the disease, this is also called." This sentence tells us to prevent the disease before it occurs, rather than waiting for the disease to occur and then treating it. In the process of maintaining bone health, we should also conduct regular physical examinations to achieve early detection, early prevention and early treatment.

Women need to take multiple steps to maintain bone health. A balanced diet, moderate exercise, good lifestyle habits and regular medical check-ups are all very important. I hope every woman can pay attention to their bone health, take active and effective measures to make their body healthier!


  • Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
  • Xuzhou Pinyuan Electronic Technology