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During pregnancy and lactation, BMD monitors the critical period of female bone mineral density

BMD monitors the critical period of female bone mineral density

In the journey of life pregnancy and growth, pregnancy and lactation are very special and important stages in a woman's life. During this period, women should not only pay attention to their own health, but also provide a solid guarantee for the healthy growth of the baby. However, many expectant and new mothers may not understand that changes in bone density during these two stages can not be ignored. Today, we're going to talk about bone density during pregnancy and lactation.

Pregnancy: The "reserve period" when demand for bone calcium surges

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences in a woman's life. However, as the fetus grows up, the calcium requirements of the pregnant woman's body are also increasing. Studies have shown that pregnant women generally have different degrees of bone loss or osteoporosis, and its severity is proportional to the pregnancy cycle. This means that the reserve of bone calcium during pregnancy is not only related to the health of the pregnant woman, but also crucial to the bone development of the fetus.

When is bone density tested?

In order to ensure the health of mother and child, bone mineral density testing during pregnancy is particularly important. It is generally recommended that pregnant women have at least 3 bone mineral density tests during pregnancy:

First trimester (before 16 weeks) : The main purpose of examination at this time is to assess the pregnant woman's own calcium reserve, to provide a reference for subsequent pregnancy management.

Second trimester (20-24 weeks) : At this stage, the fetal bones begin to develop rapidly. Check the calcium absorption of the pregnant woman to ensure that the fetus can provide enough calcium.

Third trimester (after 28 weeks) : As the fetus grows further, the demand for calcium peaks. Examination at this time can timely understand whether the bone calcium reserve of pregnant women can meet the needs of the fetus.

Of course, if pregnant women have symptoms of calcium deficiency such as cramps during pregnancy, bone mineral density should be tested in time, and the calcium supplement program should be adjusted according to the test results.

Lactation: The "peak period" of bone calcium loss

Lactation is a key period for the growth of the baby, and it is also a stage where the bone calcium loss of the mother is faster. Because the milk contains a large amount of calcium to meet the needs of the baby's rapid growth, if the mother fails to add enough calcium in time, it may lead to the reduction of their own bone calcium, which will affect the baby's bone development.

How to prevent bone mineral density loss during pregnancy and lactation?

Regular testing: When mothers review 42 days after delivery, bone mineral density should be tested in order to detect and intervene in osteoporosis in time.

Reasonable calcium supplement: lactating mothers should increase the intake of calcium-rich foods, such as milk, soy products, green leafy vegetables, etc. At the same time, under the guidance of the doctor to supplement the appropriate amount of calcium and vitamin D, promote the absorption and utilization of calcium.

Moderate exercise: Proper exercise can promote bone metabolism and improve bone density. Nursing mothers can choose to walk, yoga and other low-intensity exercise.

Scientific test: Know your own bone density status

Bone mineral density test is one of the important means to evaluate bone health. Through the detection of advanced equipment such as ultrasonic bone mineral density detector, we can accurately understand our own bone mineral density status and whether there is a risk of osteoporosis. This detection method has the advantages of non-invasive, painless and simple operation, and is suitable for children, pregnant women, the elderly and other age groups to conduct census and review.

Pregnancy and lactation are the periods in a woman's life that require special attention. By measuring bone density regularly, taking proper calcium supplements and exercising properly, we can effectively protect the bone health of ourselves and our babies and lay a solid foundation for a better future.


  • Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China
  • Xuzhou Pinyuan Electronic Technology