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#Trade Shows & Events

Refine Your Figure with Our Innovative VACUUM SHAPE System

V-Shape Ⅲ

Achieve a Sculpted, Contoured Physique with our state-of-the-art Vacuum Shape Treatment. Leveraging the latest advancements in vacuum technology, this innovative approach gently and uniformly extracts cellulite, targeting problem areas without causing any skin damage.

Multi-Directional Mechanical Rollers for Optimal Results

Our specialized rollers impart a gentle, wavelike massage, stimulating blood circulation and lipolysis (fat breakdown) for maximum efficacy.

Precise Infrared Light Energy

Utilizing a unique 650nm-1200nm infrared light spectrum, we are able to optimize energy levels and accurately target the dermal layer, ensuring the utmost safety throughout your treatment.

Bipolar Radio Frequency for Deep Tissue Penetration

The introduction of bipolar radio frequency quickly heats the deep tissue layers to a predetermined temperature, liquefying fat deposits while stimulating collagen production for a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Suction Technology for Even, Safe Heating

Our advanced suction technology works in tandem with the radio frequency, helping to drive the energy evenly into the skin and ensuring a thoroughly safe, comfortable experience.

Experience the Transformative Power of Vacuum Shape Today

Unlock your body's full potential with our cutting-edge Vacuum Shape Treatment. Reclaim your confidence and achieve the sculpted physique you've always desired.


  • Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
  • Zhengzhou PZ Laser Slim Technology