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EOSICE® PLATINA - Advanced Four-Wavelength Hair Removal Technology


EOSICE® PLATINA is an innovative tabletop diode laser hair removal device that utilizes 755nm, 808nm,940nm and 1064nm tri-wavelength lasers to cater to various skin types and hair characteristics.

The specially designed multi-pulse laser handpiece can heat the hair follicles to 65°C and above under high energy density output. Through the rapid sliding of the applicator, the laser energy can reach the deep hair follicles, effectively disrupting the growth cells within the follicles. This approach enables thorough hair removal without causing any epidermal damage.

The device leverages advanced diode laser technology and offers the following key advantages:

1. Multi-wavelength selection: The 755nm, 808nm, 940nm and 1064nm wavelengths can be customized to suit different skin types and hair colors.

2. High energy output: The unique multi-pulse handpiece can deliver temperatures exceeding 65°C, effectively destroying the hair follicle growth cells.

3. Deep-reaching effects: The fast-moving handpiece can transmit the laser energy to the roots of the hair follicles, targeting the very source of hair growth.

4. Non-invasive: Precise temperature and pulse control prevent any damage to the epidermis, ensuring a safe and comfortable treatment.

5. Smart design: The intuitive user interface and easy-to-adjust parameters allow for personalized treatment settings.

EOSICE® PLATINA not only integrates cutting-edge laser hair removal technology but also excels in intelligent and user-friendly design, making it a premium tabletop diodehair removal solution.

EOSICE® PLATINA - Advanced Four-Wavelength Hair Removal Technology


  • Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
  • Zhengzhou PZ Laser Slim Technology

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