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#Industry News

The clinical significance of ESR

Many people will check the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the process of physical examination, but because many people do not know the meaning of ESR test, they feel that this kind of examination is unnecessary.

In fact, this view is wrong, the role of erythrocyte sedimentation rate test Not many, the following article will take you to understand the significance of ESR in detail.

ESR test refers to the sedimentation speed of red blood cells under certain conditions. The specific method is to put the blood coagulation into the erythrocyte sedimentation tube for fine setting. The red blood cells will sink due to the high density. Usually, the distance of the red blood cells to sink at the end of the first hour is used to indicate the red blood cells. settling velocity.

At present, there are many methods for erythrocyte sedimentation rate determination, such as Wei's method, Custody's method, Wen's method and Pan's method. These test methods are based on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 0.00-9.78mm/h for males and 2.03 for females. ~17.95mm/h is the normal value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, if it is greater than this normal value, it means that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is too high, and vice versa, it means that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is too low. More information please click our website:


  • Changping District, Beijing, China
  • Beijing Succeeder Technology Inc.