#Product Trends
NEW: optical surgical navigation system by ClaroNav
Image Guided Navigation system for ENT surgery
Using a CT or MRI image of the patient as a map, NaviENT shows the location of surgical instruments relative to surrounding anatomy in order to precisely guide surgical interventions.
Reliable ENT navigation made easy and affordable
The use of a navigation system to assist with FESS and skull base surgery has become widely recognized as highly beneficial, helping surgeons correctly identify anatomy in a limited endoscopic view.
Setting up NaviENT for each operation takes only minutes and can be completed while the patient undergoes anesthesia, or even in the middle of the surgery: the data is loaded; a peel and stick patient tracker is attached to the patient’s forehead, and the registration is performed by a few simple motions of a registration tool.
NaviENT uses the most reliable and accurate tracking technology available: optical triangulation. Unlike electromagnetic tracking, optical trackers are not affected by the presence of metallic objects and nearby electromagnetic fields. Uniquely, NaviENT tracks permanent markers, which do not require any maintenance or replacement. The only electronic device in NaviENT, other than the optical tracker, is a compact and reliable Apple laptop. The small folding cart fits into any environment, including a cramped office. The navigation display visually integrates with the endoscope’s screen without the need for a physical and electronic integration with the endoscope and its cart.