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Removing acne scars with microneedling: How the dermaroller helps

Lesotwins show that microneedling can be an effective way to reduce acne scars.

Acne scars are an annoying and often stressful skin problem for many people. They develop after acne, when the skin produces collagen unevenly during the healing process. But how can acne scars be removed? A promising method that is gaining more and more popularity is microneedling with a dermaroller. In this blog article, you'll learn how microneedling can help with acne scars and what results customers have achieved with the Original Dermaroller.

How does microneedling help with acne scars?

In microneedling, a dermaroller is used to insert fine needles into the skin. These tiny injuries stimulate the skin to regenerate naturally. The micro-injuries stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which improves skin texture and reduces scarring.

Professional microneedling in a beauty salon or at the doctor's office is particularly effective in treating acne scars, as it reaches not only the top layer of the skin, but also the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, deeper scar structures can also be worked on and the overall appearance of the skin can be refined.

Field report: Leonie and Sophie – The Lesotwins

The success story of Leonie and Sophie, better known as the Lesotwins, impressively shows how effective microneedling can be in the treatment of acne scars. The two sisters have been able to significantly reduce their acne scars with the regular use of the original dermaroller. The Lesotwins report on their TikTok channel (2.5 million followers) that they have noticed a significant improvement in their skin texture since they started using the dermaroller. Their acne scars are less visible, and their skin is smoother and more radiant overall.

Supportive care with hyaluronic acid serum

Regular use of a high-quality hyaluronic acid serum can additionally support the effect of microneedling in scar healing. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin that is known for its moisturizing properties. It can help improve the appearance of the skin and lighten acne scars.

The Dermaroller Hyaluronic Acid Serum has been specially developed for use with the Dermaroller and can soothe and moisturize the skin after treatment. As a result, the regeneration of the skin is supported and the appearance of acne scars can be further improved. The dermaroller is also available in a set with hyaluronic acid.

Conclusion: Effective treatment of acne scars with microneedling

Acne scars don't have to be a permanent skin problem. With the regular use of a dermaroller and supportive care with a hyaluronic acid serum, visible results can be achieved. The experiences of clients like the Lesotwins show that microneedling can be an effective way to reduce acne scars.

If you also suffer from acne scars and are looking for an effective solution, microneedling with the Original Dermaroller and the Dermaroller Hyaluronic Acid Serum could be the right choice for you. Discover our products today and start your journey to smoother and more even skin!


  • 38 Wolfenbüttel, Germany
  • Dermaroller