#Trade Shows & Events
EuroEcho-Imaging 2018: ESAOTE Never Stops Moving With the Outstanding Renewal of the Ultrasound Product Line in Just a Year
EuroEcho-Imaging 2018: ESAOTE Never Stops Moving With the Outstanding Renewal of the Ultrasound Product Line in Just a Year
December 5, 2018 [Milan, Italy] - ESAOTE is taking a step forward with the new cart-based ultrasound systems, MyLab™9 platform, MyLab™X5, MyLab™X6, MyLab™X7, and the new portable ultrasound product line at the EuroEcho-Imaging 2018 - European Cardiology Congress on December 5-8 in Milan- Italy at MiCo, booth C100 - Level 2.
“At Esaote, we are focused on quality and up-to-date technologies to make ultrasound imaging easier. That’s why we never stop investing in innovative solutions for physicians and patients,” said Luca Bombino, Head of Ultrasound Global Marketing.
Thanks to the collaboration with international research centers and universities, the MyLab™9 platform is now powered by evo 2.0, part of the Esaote evolution program. New iQ transducers and advanced features, such as zero-click automation and quantification tools for Global Strain and AutoEF % in real-time in a really fast way are available to enrich product configuration. The latest technology engineered by Barco, the Eonis® 24” medical display, and innovative solutions such as easyMode and easyColor are designed to accelerate operator workflow and improve the patient experience. Developed to provide high-level ultrasound technology to hospitals and clinics, the MyLab™9 platform boasts smart upgradability, remote serviceability, and long-term maintenance options.
Based on the experience gained from flagship systems, Esaote introduces the MyLab™X family which offers advanced clinical tools, large probe portfolio, zero-click automation, extremely intuitive usability and ergonomics for better, faster, and more reliable decisions.
At EuroEcho-Imaging 2018, Esaote is presenting the new portable line, MyLab™Omega and MyLab™Sigma, adding high mobility, flexibility of use, and bringing the latest advanced technologies in cardiovascular examinations.
The completely new ultrasound product line is really advanced in Connectivity thanks to the eStreaming software application that gives you the possibility to connect your echocardiographer online to collect an expert second opinion. In addition, the SUITESTENSA CVIS PACS imaging and information management software platform for all cardiology modalities is on show. Developed by Ebit, the Esaote Company dedicated to healthcare IT diagnostic processes, SUITESTENSA is also focused on post-processing cardiovascular ultrasound. It offers 2D, 3D and 4D advanced clinical packages for image processing and reconstruction.
“Our goal has always been to respond in the smartest and fastest way to today’s clinical needs,” said Giovanni Altobelli, Ultrasound Product Marketing Manager. “The MyLab™X family migrated its technology directly from our flagship platform, allows modularity, affordability, and matching with any specific clinical requirement. The up-to-date technology has been miniaturized to be fully integrated in the ultrasound portable product line to reach diagnoses confidently and efficiently.”
The new MyLab™9 platform, MyLab™X7, and MyLab™Omega ultrasound systems, along with and the SUITESTENSA software platform will be showcased at EuroEcho-Imaging 2018 in Milan-Italy at MiCo, Esaote booth C100, Level 2. For more information visit www.esaote.com