#Industry News
Lesson 1: the basis of a sequential pressotherapy project
What is the basis of a design?
First of all, the best knowledge of the problem to be solved.
In the field of vascular problems it is a question of knowing the physiology and pathologies that afflict it.
The second point is the tools to be used and in particular the knowledge of physics, technical physics and fluid dynamics that a good engineer must know.
So a good knowledge of the direction of the fluids, their consistency and what happens when the various physiological mechanisms no longer work well.
What to do to restore correct flows?
If you choose to design a sequential pressotherapy device, the problem is how to manage the pressures so that they generate perfect distal-proximal drainage, avoiding stagnation and reverse flows.
And here we resort to the adequate engineering knowledge, described above, which is the basis of a project that sets these objectives.