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#Product Trends

The Goldilocks of Laparoscopic Simulation Trainers: Introducing LAPARO’s Analytic

In exploring the range and features of simulation-based laparoscopic trainers, there has been much reference to the box-style and VR-based technologies that lie on each end of the scale.

The hybrid trainer, as implied, employs elements of both for a synergistic and arguably superior learning experience.

As a feature piece, this week's discussion explores the features and benefits of the LAPARO produced Analytic model, boosting its status as the world’s only laparoscopy simulator with integrated advanced training analysis.

Hybrid trainers share many training options as box simulators, offering modules to develop core skills like suturing, needle threading, cutting, etc., with the vital addition of a comprehensive feedback system. The LAPARO Analytic uses graphs with added ‘heat zones’ to illustrate any discordance with student performance and correct technique throughout the training session.

Multiple sensors track and analyze instrument visibility, activity, and smoothness in this manner, allowing for an in-depth scoring system that tracks the learners individualized learning curve and allows for immediate correction.

The advantage of hybrid surgical simulators lies in the dual simplicity of focussing on vital core skills required for safe laparoscopic surgery, and providing real-time feedback, with a more nuanced report and overall score upon completion that reliably keeps students informed of their level of proficiency, and where they need to improve. With reliable assessment and actionable critique, students may autonomously progress to higher levels of proficiency without being overly dependent on the attentive presence and willingness of real-life supervisors.

The LAPARO Analytic has a 6-step process, from logging into a personalized account, reviewing past training performances, and noting areas in need of improvement with the Timeline Analysis feature, before completing the desired module and receiving an overall score with a detailed breakdown. Tutorials are available for all modules, and video records of previous attempts are stored on the learner's account for easy review and discussion.

For added engagement, the LAPARO Analytic trainer can be configured into a network, making group training a possibility. A mentoring station is able to simultaneously monitor participating learners, or screen-share with trainees to demonstrate expert technique as they follow along.

The winning advantage of hybrid surgical simulators is the focus on core skill delivery most vital to safe surgical practice with the provision of superior feedback, meaning surgical education is delivered with better efficacy and efficiency. The student is able to train autonomously and repeat modules as often as needed, with relevant guidance of where and how to improve various techniques for ultimately faster-learning curves.

Medical literature is calling for global regulation in laparoscopic surgical training, with better standardization of learning outcomes. Therefore, the widescale introduction of hybrid simulation technology that can reliably assess student performance and objectively judge whether or not the required milestones of proficiency have been reached could potentially overhaul the framework of surgical education.

LAPARO Analytic - laparoscopic trainer (product overview)


  • Wilcza 25C, 50-438 Wrocław, Poland
  • LAPARO Medical Simulators