#Industry News
Suturing Course in Laparo Training Program
Suturing is one of the most important skills for a surgeon
Suturing is one of the most important skills for a surgeon. However, it should be kept in mind that it is a skill that is considered an art in itself, requiring years of practice and many hours of work. Our goal is to teach you the best possible mastery of the suturing technique, while at the same time having an interesting form of fun.
At the core of effective suturing in laparoscopy is the skill to set the needle perpendicular to the shaft of the needle holder. Many trainees underestimate its importance and focus undue time on the ability to tie an intracorporeal knot with the suture after poorly driving the needle through the target structure. The ability to tie a knot is useless without the ability to place the needle in the proper location and at an optimal angle. Once we have mastered the skill of operating the needle and tying the sutures, we can proceed to practice simple sutures one at a time, progressing to increasingly complex ones. We finish our learning with suturing in a confined surgical field and on tight tissues. Advanced suturing also includes simply one of the most difficult skills to master, anastomosis.