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The Robot CARLO Cuts Through Bone Better than a Saw

CARLO might become the surgeon’s best assistant when it comes to cutting bone. The acronym evokes a promising technique in osteotomy. A Cold Ablation Robot-guided Laser Osteotome is a robot-assisted device for cutting bone with a laser.

During an operation, CARLO guides the laser beam with great precision. This enables finer cuts than with a conventional oscillating saw and results in the removal of less bone material.

Furthermore, there is less damage to soft tissue and the bone within, hastening the healing process. During the surgical procedure, integrated sensors constantly control the ablation process.

CARLO was developed at Advanced Osteotomy Tools (AOT) in Switzerland and is expected to enter clinical trials soon.


  • 17 Avenue André Roussin, 13016 Marseille, France
  • Kristina Müller