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#Product Trends

Simplify your assay design with one universal reagent

SOLIScript® Fast 1-step RT-qPCR Mix with UNG enables effortless detection of RNA, DNA or both simultaneously

Pathogens exist in various forms, with some carrying genetic information in RNA and others in DNA. The symptoms they cause can often be similar or even indistinguishable. Identifying the pathogens responsible for certain symptoms quickly and accurately can be a challenging task for diagnostic assay developers. Providing accurate diagnoses is always of utmost importance for healthcare practitioners to ensure the implementation of the right treatment.

Running separate tests for RNA and DNA pathogens can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. An opportunity for diagnostic assay developers to resolve this is to design kits that enable co-detection of RNA and DNA targets from a single reaction to streamline workflows and provide accurate diagnoses faster. Giving laboratory specialists the possibility to work with the same thermal protocols with different types of nucleic acid can also simplify their procedures. What is more, it is a common practice to employ DNA targets as positive controls in kits that are primarily intended for detecting RNA pathogens. A flexible RT-qPCR reagent that maintains high specificity and efficiency in such complex test systems is crucial in these cases.

Whether you're developing a new diagnostic kit or upgrading an existing one, if you need to detect RNA or DNA targets or both simultaneously, SOLIScript® Fast 1-step RT-qPCR Mix with UNG delivers reliable results in exactly these conditions. This enables development of assays where RNA viruses, DNA viruses and bacterial targets can be co-detected effectively from just one RT-qPCR reaction.

Find out more from our application note!


  • Teaduspargi 9, 50411 Tartu, Estonia
  • Solis BioDyne