#Product Trends
Treatment of Splenic Aneurysm
Splenic aneurysms are aneurysms in which the splenic artery dilates.
According to the location of the tumor, it can be divided into three types: the tumor is located in the main splenic artery and is far from the spleen >5cm was far from the hilum of spleen; The tumor was near the hilum of spleen. Those, between hilus lienis, are intermediate. The vast majority of the disease is single, and the onset of occultation, not easy to diagnose.
It is generally believed to be related to abnormal structure of artery wall and changes in endocrine level. The main causes include atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia of the splenic artery, multiple pregnancies, portal hypertension, acute and chronic pancreatitis, etc. Other rare causes include iatrogenic injury, trauma, infection, etc.