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Main symptoms of bronchiectasis

Bronchoscopy Simulator For Bronchoscope Examination And EBUS-TBNA

Main symptoms of bronchiectasis


Repeated infections in patients with bronchiectasis can cause symptoms of systemic toxicity. There may be no fever in the early stage of bronchiectasis. When the secretions are not properly drained and the inflammation spreads, causing pneumonia, lung abscess, pleurisy or empyema, patients with bronchiectasis may have a high fever.


The most common persistent cough in patients with bronchiectasis is that the cough is caused by inflammatory stimuli, mainly for expectoration. When expectorating sputum or postural drainage in the morning, there is a burst of cough. When the affected side is placed in a low lateral position, the cough is relieved, and the sputum increases when the lesion worsens cough intensifies.


Expectoration of sputum is related to the severity and extent of the disease and whether the drainage of the carrier trachea is smooth. Bronchiectasis lesions may be static without sputum and become "dry bronchiectasis". Patients with mild lesions have a small amount of yellow sputum every day, and the amount of severe sputum can reach hundreds of milliliters a day. After standing, the upper layer is foam, the middle layer is mucus, and the lower layer is yellow-green pus.


Bronchiectasis and repeated hemoptysis are the characteristics of the disease, accounting for about 50-75%. The amount of hemoptysis varies. It can be bloodshot in the sputum to massive hemoptysis. It is often caused by the rupture of the small bronchial artery with high pressure, and the blood can be sprayed suddenly. The bleeding volume can reach hundreds or even thousands of milliliters. After the bleeding, the pressure of the blood vessels decreases and shrinks, and the bleeding can stop automatically.

5.Loss of appetite, stunted growth:

With the exacerbation of bronchiectasis, patients have loss of appetite and weight loss. Children can cause growth and malnutrition, and a small number of patients may have secondary amyloidosis. Due to chronic lung infection and repeated deterioration, patients with bronchiectasis often have symptoms of systemic toxicity, such as low-grade fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia.


  • Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
  • TrandoMed

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