#Product Trends
Outstanding design: Aesculap´s ERGOPERIO periodontology instruments win iF award
Out of the ERGOPROBE diagnostic instrument range the instrument family for periodontology therapy has now been updated to the newly developed design, combining the benefits of the longer than two-year development process. Pedro Morales, Director Research and Development at Aesculap, is delighted with the award: “We are very proud about this recognition of ERGOPERIO. Practitioners from University Schools of Dentistry and dental practices were closely involved in the development process and this is reflected in the result - a synthesis of ergonomics and aesthetics which makes the dentist´s work more comfortable and less tiring.“
Traditional dental instruments are made of steel, leading to an increased rate of work fatigue due to their weight. In the ERGOPERIO design, a new material blend of steel and extremely light PEEK-plastic, developed for aeronautical applications, is used for the instruments handles. This results in an improved shape and handle thickness, as well as a 30% reduction in weight compared with the much finer traditional steel instruments. Pedro Morales explains the advantages as follows: “The surface of the handles is in the tried and tested golf ball design which provides a particularly comfortable and haptic grip. Furthermore, a color code on the scalers and curettes identifies the various shapes of the working ends, thereby allowing faster orientation. Hence, the new instrument design facilitates functional and ergonomic work in dentistry.“
The ERGOPERIO range includes all instruments for periodontologic treatments such as scalers and curettes, raspatories and elevators, forceps, sharp curettes and chisels, tunneling instruments, gingivectomy knives, mouth mirror holders and periodontometers. In addition to the updating of the 80 already existing instruments to the new ERGOPERIO design, 21 new instruments were added to the periodontal instrument range.
Manufacturers from 53 countries applied nearly 5,000 products for the iF Design Award. These included Aesculap´s ERGOPERIO set of periodontology instruments which was awarded the prestigious seal of approval.