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#Product Trends

Patient-specific surgical guides for femoral osteotomy

Surgical goals were to perform femur osteotomy for the main deformity in order to connect femoral canal, and correct leg axis as much as possible while preserving knee joint position.


Starting with 3D reconstruction in MICE (Medical Implants Customization Engine), which allowed virtually see femoral canal, going through virtual designing and planning, a solution was made for connecting femoral canal (which was separated by bone callus) and correcting the femoral axis while preserving knee joint position.

3D-printed assembled anatomical models and patient- specific surgical guides for bone resection, as well as for bone positioning, assisted surgeons during osteotomy procedure ensuring the fulfillment of pre-surgical plan.

Custom-made surgical guide for femoral osteotomy


  • Taikos pr. 131A, Kaunas 51124, Lithuania
  • Ortho Baltic